Washington E71T-11 Gasless, .045 Flux Cored Welding Wire, 33 LB Spool

WAS045 E71T-11

Washington E71T-11 Gasless, .045 Flux Cored Welding Wire, 33 LB Spool

Item Code: WAS045 E71T-11
Catalog Number TW 71T-11 173
Minimum multiple quantity 33

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E71T-11 is a self-shielding flux cored wire for single or limited multi-pass all-position welds on mild steels used for field construction, erection, and fabrication of bridges and shipbuilding where secondary shielding gas is not practical. E71T-11 is used to weld mild steels and it finds acceptance


  • Brand : Washington Alloy
  • Category : Flux Cored Welding Wire
Starting from
$5.54 / LB

Washington E71T-11 Gasless, .045 Flux Cored Welding Wire, 33 LB Spool

WAS045 E71T-11

Washington E71T-11 Gasless, .045 Flux Cored Welding Wire, 33 LB Spool

Item Code: WAS045 E71T-11
Catalog Number TW 71T-11 173
Minimum multiple quantity 33
Starting from
$5.54 / LB

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E71T-11 is a self-shielding flux cored wire for single or limited multi-pass all-position welds on mild steels used for field construction, erection, and fabrication of bridges and shipbuilding where secondary shielding gas is not practical. E71T-11 is used to weld mild steels and it finds acceptance


  • Brand : Washington Alloy
  • Category : Flux Cored Welding Wire