ARCAIR® 1/8" X 12" DC Pointed Coppercald® Arc Gouging Electrode (50 Each Per Carton)

Category Arcair Cutting

ARCAIR® 1/8" X 12" DC Pointed Coppercald® Arc Gouging Electrode (50 Each Per Carton)

Item Code: ARC1/8X12
Category Arcair Cutting
Catalog Number 22023003

Fetching product details


ARCAIR® Copperclad® Professional are high grade, all purpose copperclad pointed gouging electrode. It's controlled copper coating improves electrical conductivity (for more efficient, cooler operation) and helps maintain electrode 1/8" diameter at the point of the arc


  • Brand : Arcair
  • Category : Arcair Cutting

ARCAIR® 1/8" X 12" DC Pointed Coppercald® Arc Gouging Electrode (50 Each Per Carton)

Category Arcair Cutting

ARCAIR® 1/8" X 12" DC Pointed Coppercald® Arc Gouging Electrode (50 Each Per Carton)

Item Code: ARC1/8X12
Category Arcair Cutting
Catalog Number 22023003

Fetching product details


ARCAIR® Copperclad® Professional are high grade, all purpose copperclad pointed gouging electrode. It's controlled copper coating improves electrical conductivity (for more efficient, cooler operation) and helps maintain electrode 1/8" diameter at the point of the arc


  • Brand : Arcair
  • Category : Arcair Cutting